Young drinkers from Mexico visit the U.S. border states and bring their drinking preferences with them. Too often, they are underage according to U.S. law, and that puts liquor establishments at enforcement and liability risk.
Many bartenders and security personnel are not trained to properly check U.S. state IDs, let alone those from Mexico. Knowing what to look for in the IDs from these Mexican border states can add beverage revenues, while enforcing the 21 year minimum age.
Fortunately, Mexican driver’s licenses are modern ID documents. Knowing the look of these six Mexican border states’ IDs, makes the fraudulent and fake ones stand right out. ID checks become more effective.
To assist U.S. retailers, the new I.D. Checking Guide, U.S. & Mexico Edition, has added the six Mexico border states to its 2018 ID coverage.
Included are:
Baja California
Nuevo Leon
Security features are described in addition to useful tips like how to locate the date of birth - “Fecha de Nacimiento” - and more!
Mexico sends over 18 million visitors to the U.S. each year, mostly travelers crossing the border into California and Texas. Adding Mexico border state licenses to the U.S. & Canada Edition will immediately improve ID checks and reinforce efforts to follow the law.